Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hump Day/Chump Day

I'm progressing, and feel as though I am accomplishing something. Small movements on the scale are encouraging, and I need to fight the temptation to "see" results in the mirror this early. I had hoped to lose 5 pounds this first week, but not sure that's going to happen. Maybe more like 3, since some movement on the scale is evident. I'm using the scale at the YMCA... the one at home has me a little lighter, but I don't know its accuracy. Wednesday's totals, knowing that a couple of these are "estimates" based on other books, etc...

Slimfast Optima - 190
Zita & Marinara - 400
B-stick - 200
Bananna - 110
Fish sandwich - 400
Balance bar - 210
Fudge pop - 35
TOTAL - 1545

Workout was good...tomorrow, I hope to hit the weights...

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